RidersIn Sölden

Living in Riders In


All prices are per night and per person, including VAT and half board, excluding local tax of currently € 4,- per person and per night.

November - December
06.11.24 - 21.12.24
21.12.24 - 28.12.24
New Year
28.12.24 - 04.01.25
04.01.25 - 08.03.25
March - April
08.03.25 - 14.04.25
Single room classic
16 m² | 1 person
from 115,-
from 159,-
from 194,-
from 164,-
from 159,-
Single room deluxe
19 m² | 1 Person
from 130,-
from 174,-
from 209,-
from 179,-
from 174,-
Double room classic
20 m² | 2 people
from 214,-
from 302,-
from 372,-
from 312,-
from 302,-
Double room deluxe
Double room deluxe
25 m² | 2 people
from 242,-
from 330,-
from 400,-
from 340,-
from 330,-
Double room superior
Double room superior
35 m² | 2-4 people
from 270,-
from 358,-
from 428,-
from 358,-
from 358,-
Triple room classic
5 m² | 2-3 people
from 254,-
from 342,-
from 412,-
from 342,-
from 342,-
Family room superior
2-4 people | 35 m²
from 270,-
from 358,-
from 428,-
from 358,-
from 358,-
Single room classic
16 m² | 1 person
November - December
06.11.24 - 21.12.24
from 115,-
21.12.24 - 28.12.24
from 159,-
New Year
28.12.24 - 04.01.25
from 194,-
04.01.25 - 08.03.25
from 164,-
March - April
08.03.25 - 14.04.25
from 159,-
Single room deluxe
19 m² | 1 Person
November - December
06.11.24 - 21.12.24
from 130,-
21.12.24 - 28.12.24
from 174,-
New Year
28.12.24 - 04.01.25
from 209,-
04.01.25 - 08.03.25
from 179,-
March - April
08.03.25 - 14.04.25
from 174,-
Double room classic
20 m² | 2 people
November - December
06.11.24 - 21.12.24
from 214,-
21.12.24 - 28.12.24
from 302,-
New Year
28.12.24 - 04.01.25
from 372,-
04.01.25 - 08.03.25
from 312,-
March - April
08.03.25 - 14.04.25
from 302,-
Double room deluxe
25 m² | 2 people
Double room deluxe
November - December
06.11.24 - 21.12.24
from 242,-
21.12.24 - 28.12.24
from 330,-
New Year
28.12.24 - 04.01.25
from 400,-
04.01.25 - 08.03.25
from 340,-
March - April
08.03.25 - 14.04.25
from 330,-
Double room superior
35 m² | 2-4 people
Double room superior
November - December
06.11.24 - 21.12.24
from 270,-
21.12.24 - 28.12.24
from 358,-
New Year
28.12.24 - 04.01.25
from 428,-
04.01.25 - 08.03.25
from 358,-
March - April
08.03.25 - 14.04.25
from 358,-
Triple room classic
5 m² | 2-3 people
November - December
06.11.24 - 21.12.24
from 254,-
21.12.24 - 28.12.24
from 342,-
New Year
28.12.24 - 04.01.25
from 412,-
04.01.25 - 08.03.25
from 342,-
March - April
08.03.25 - 14.04.25
from 342,-
Family room superior
2-4 people | 35 m²
November - December
06.11.24 - 21.12.24
from 270,-
21.12.24 - 28.12.24
from 358,-
New Year
28.12.24 - 04.01.25
from 428,-
04.01.25 - 08.03.25
from 358,-
March - April
08.03.25 - 14.04.25
from 358,-
Summer Card Your advantages
Summer Card
Your advantages

The complete collection of summer highlights on one card. With the Summer Card you get the full package of holiday benefits!

Ready for your next adventure?
Immediate holiday enquiry!

Then secure your room in Riders In and experience unforgettable days in Sölden. Give us a call or send us an email. Let’s ride!

Wellness in Längenfeld AQUA DOME Partner
Wellness in Längenfeld

As a guest, you benefit from a 10% discount on all admission prices to the AQUA DOME all year round, allowing you to treat yourself to a relaxing wellness break time and time again.

The AQUA DOME, known for its impressive views, is an absolute highlight during a vacation in Ötztal.

Our price comparison
Best price guarantee

Price on Booking.com

& platforms

€ 112,00 € 450,00 € 237,00

Our price

in Riders In

€ 102,00 € 410,00 € 216,00